Pacific Northwest Software is hiring several software developers. We need them to lead the development of an assortment of software projects. We have a variety of customers that all have very interesting business plans. The software we create for them is the heart of their businesses, which means our project leaders need to be excellent at really understanding the goals of the business to make sure that we develop the minimal software in the shortest time to maximize their return on investment.

We want developers that have no problem using many different languages. We have projects on php/mysql, C#/.Net/MSSql, Java/jsp/MSSql, VB/access/pocket PC, and C++. You will have no problem making some changes to a VB program with an Access db, then switching to fixing a problem with an asp.Net website that has an MS SQL db, then adding a feature to a web application that has a java applet and some jsp web pages all in one day. As the project you are on grows, you'll need to direct other developers on the project.

You must want to work from home. We have no office and thus you must be able to communicate via chat, skype, and email from your home. We don't care where you live.

A willingness to travel is big plus.

We are flexible with what hours you work. However, we aren't interested in less than full time.

I find that the normal process of advertising for a job opening results in a flurry of emails with resumes attached. Most of the applicants are not suited. Either they don't read my ad, or they choose to ignore some of the requirements. To shorten the lengthy process of sorting through the applications, I require applicants to fill out this form.

Please don't send your resume unless I ask for it. It will be deleted like so much spam.

We expect to be paying somewhere between 80 and 120k per year in salary. We provide excellent benefits.

Expect to be put to work immediately for pay on some 2-3 day task.

We are a small company and offer no long term job security. We see no reason to expect the demand for our work will drop off after that, but we just can't predict the future. If you can help us grow the business we may include you as a partner.

If you leave some questions unanswered the system will accept the application, but then you will have provided no information. Hint: a salary of "negotiable" provides no information.

John Taves

Personal Info
Phone Number:

Degree High school, Bachelors, Masters, Ph. D.,

Have you worked from home? Yes, No, When can you start work?

Expected salary per year?

Number of professional years of experience with each:
(exclude school/course work)
C/C++: Java: ASP:
Visual Basic: SQL: ASP.NET: php: mysql:

Number of professional years of experience writing applications for:
Linux: Pocket PC: Windows:
Web (with some sort of database):

Additional experience:
(shareware programs, public domain software, and other non-school and non-"real" job experience)
List what you built, not how you did it.

list some URLs so that I can see your work.

How many different projects have you worked on?:
Approximately how many software developers have you worked enough with to know their capabilities?:
How many of them are MORE capable than you?:
How many would you rank similar to yourself?:
What makes you a better developer than the others?: