Welcome to the
Cannon River STEM School
Online Scheduler
Welcome to February 2021 Conferences.  

All conferences are virtual. Please note that the teachers for your student are listed alphabetically, so the first teacher might not be your student's primary classroom teacher.

Keys to scheduling your conference
StudentID = firstname+lastname (without spaces) i.e. Jane Smith = janesmith
Birthday is used as a security value in format mm/dd/yyyy

Scheduling assistance available via info@crssraptors.org or 507-331-7836

Logging in for the first time? Simply click "Login/Create Account" and answer the questions there.
If you are already registered, enter both your email and password and push "Login/Create Account" to view your scheduled appointment.

Please record the date and time you selected, as well as your password (in case you want to change your appointment later).