
Once you have created your 4 import files, you are ready to import these 4 files to the Pickatime site.


1. Start up the importer from the Pickatime home page ( by selecting "Importer" and then entering your email and password. You will now be on the School Data Importer page.


2. Select Data Type of School


3. Import the student file, make sure you set the File Type: to "students", the Event Type does not need to be specified.


4. Import the teacher file, make sure you set the File Type: to "teachers", the Event Type does not need to be specified.


5. Import the classes file, make sure you set the File Type: to "classes, the Event Type should be set to your Class Event (for example "Fall 2005 Classes").


6. Import the enrollment file, make sure you set the File Type: to "enrollment", the Event Type should be set to your Class Event (for example "Fall 2005 Classes").



Next Step

Once you have created the two events you should view your data in the VUI (Vendor User Interface).