The Customer User Interface (CUI) page is the page that your parents will access to book their appointments. The address for this page is at the bottom of the Business Setup page under the Global Setup tab, and is in the format where the xxxx is an account number specific to your school. You can customize this URL by checking the box "Set custom URL" and entering in your preferred URL name in the white box. The Appointment URL will change to reflect your selection, and the new URL will be available in approximately 5-10 minutes.
Click on the URL to open the CUI or copy and paste this URL to a new browser window. You can also select Online Scheduler from the Account Navigation line.
Login in with your email address and password
You can confirm the appointment procedure by adding a student to your account and booking an appointment. To add a student to your account you would need to enter in the StudentID and SecurityValue. You will then see the list of all available appointment slots for that student. It isn't necessary to remove the student from your account after you are finished testing, but you should make sure that you cancel any appointments you made. If you want to remove yourself as the child's parent you can do so by clicking the x next to the students name on the CUI. You can attach any student to your account, it will not prevent the “real” parent from doing so as well.
If you receive the error message "There are no events currently available" or "the online scheduler is closed" then you probably have not yet set the "Start day of appointment taking" and "End day of appointment taking" settings that are on the UI Setup page. Any days that you want to make available for parents to schedule appointments should be within the start and end date specified.
If you receive an error message "Failed to find student", check the values that you have entered in the CUI with the values for that student that are in the Contacts section of the Admin UI.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have checked the box "Use First + Last Name as StudentID" in the Parent Login section of the Settings / UI Setup page, then be sure you are entering in the student first name + last name as the first prompt.
If you don't see the student's teachers listed, several things could be wrong. Check the student's enrollment information and make sure you have slots for the teachers on the PTA event.
You may also want to review the slots you have set up for your teachers by viewing the Report labeled "Teachers' Schedule". See the Reports section in the Management Guide for instructions on this. This will allow you to easily see if you have made any errors in setting up your slots.
Once you have tested the CUI and are satisfied that it is set up correctly, you are done. As you have set the Start Date of Appointment taking and your End Date of Appointment taking to include your test day you will most likely want to return to the UI Setup page and reset these dates for your parents. See the Turn it On section again to see how to modify these dates.
A template with directions for your parents is available here: Directions for Parents